We offer a wide variety of advertising and publicity options, some of which are a little outside-the-box. We believe in providing you with avenues to reach as wide an audience as possible!
With all our advertising options comes a 20% discount when you prepay to run your chosen ad for four editions. All photos associated with advertising may be emailed to
QUESTIONS? Email us or call CE Editor Liz Crumbly at 770-656-7238.

Full page: $75.
Full page, four editions: $240.
Half page: $45.
Half page, four editions: $144.
Quarter page: $30.
Quarter page, four editions: $96.
Business card: $15.
Business card, four editions: $48.
Do you own a barn, run a training program or equestrian team, sell an equestrian product, run a tack store, or do some other sort of horse-related work? If you haven’t already joined our directory, what in the world are you waiting for??Directory listings are free and can be submitted via email to Please include three or four sentences about your business and how customers can reach you. We’ll automatically add you to our distribution list, so you can see your listing in print! (Don’t worry, your contact info is private, and we will not sell it!)
Visibility at a bargain price! Upgrade your free directory listing to a photo listing for just $10 per edition.
Directory photo listing: $10.
Directory photo listing, four editions: $32.
We email our subscribers on a quarterly basis with a preview of each new edition. Be visible to them even before they open the magazine – it’s even better than the cover!! We’ll include your half or full-page width advertisement along with a link to your website.
Email advertisement, half-page width: $50.
Email advertisement, half-page width, four editions: $160.
Email advertisement, full-page width: $100.
Email advertisement, full-page width, four editions: $320.
Do you have an innovative, beautiful or creatively manufactured product? Let us give you extra exposure by sending us a sample to give away. We currently stage our giveaways on Facebook with a teaser ad in the CE online publication. Contests run for a week.
Giveaway samples may be sent to 136 W. Belmont Drive, Suite 11-120, Calhoun, Ga., 30701. Make sure to touch base with CE Editor Liz Crumbly first at 770-656-7238 so we can work out the details!