
We’re located at 1216 Everett Springs Rd. NE Calhoun, GA 30701.

How to find us:

(GPS sometimes drops our visitors on the other outlet of Everett Springs Road, and it’s virtually impossible to find us from there. Use these directions for better accuracy.)

From Rome or Adairsville via Old Dalton Road: At the intersection of Old Dalton and state Route 156, you’ll find yourself between a Dollar General and a gas station. Directly across from you will be a red building with a “for sale” sign. Proceed through the intersection onto Everett Springs Road. Go 2.2 miles, and our driveway is on the right. On Ev. Springs, when you pass a red barn, and then two small, tan houses on your right, look for a red clay driveway and a white birdhouse on a fencepost. The driveway is long and goes back into the woods. Keep right at the fork and park on the left side of the loop near the house.

From Calhoun via state Route 156: From Calhoun city limits, head out state Route 156 approximately 11.5 miles. About 7.5 miles out, you’ll pass an Everett Springs Road leading to the Pocket Rec area. Pass it. Proceed four miles. Look for a Dollar General and a gas station on your left. There will be a red building with a “for sale” sign on your right. At that intersection, take a right onto Everett Springs Road. Go 2.2 miles, and our driveway is on the right. On Ev. Springs, when you pass a red barn, and then two small, tan houses on your right, look for a red clay driveway and a white birdhouse on a fencepost. The driveway is long and goes back into the woods. Keep right at the fork and park on the left side of the loop near the house.

From Summerville via U.S. 27: Take U.S. 27 to state Route 156 (left turn). Proceed 6 miles. Look for a Dollar General and a gas station on your right. Turn left onto Everett Springs Road across from these two stores. There will be a red building on your left with a “for sale” sign. Go 2.2 miles, and our driveway is on the right. On Ev. Springs, when you pass a red barn, and then two small, tan houses on your right, look for a red clay driveway and a white birdhouse on a fencepost. The driveway is long and goes back into the woods. Keep right at the fork and park on the left side of the loop near the house.

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