Berry Equestrian off to a winning start for 2016-17 season

1.1kviewsBy ELIZABETH POCZOBUT IHSA Media Intern Hello again from Berry Equestrian! The team has been extremely busy since returning to the world’s largest campus in August! The Vikings have welcomed three new recruits and new six walk-on team members to the roster, as well as senior and veteran team member Mariel Wrench, who took a … Read more

Pinto World: Haley Settles’ new perspective

429viewsBy LIZ CRUMBLY Editor Haley Settles entered this year’s Pinto World Show with a new perspective – literally. It was her first World show with her four-year-old “WR Magic Mike” – a gentle giant at nearly 17.3 hands. The gelding, known as “Jackson” around the barn, is quite a bit taller than Settles’ previous 15.1-hand … Read more

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