World Championship Blacksmiths: perfecting the art of forging

This competitive farriery association is the brainchild of New Mexico-based farrier Craig Tyrnka, CJF, and its primary purpose is to foster knowledge about the intricacies of the art of farriery. According to its website,, the association was formed with an eye toward educating not only the participating farriers, but the horse-owning public, as well. … Read more

Education through competition: knowledge of the hoof marches forward

FROM CE STAFF REPORTS Chad Rice, CJF, is known among his farrier contemporaries for his quick wit and willingness to manufacture a practical joke at the drop of a hat. He’s taken ample opportunity to participate in his fair share of them while attending some of the nation’s most intense shoeing competitions, but when it’s … Read more

Ride to the Olympics seeks to give would-be equestrians a toehold

904viewsOne of the key concepts of 16-year-old Miguel Wilson’s Ride to the Olympics Foundation is rooted in helping others kickstart their equestrian dreams. The Atlanta native is himself currently building a riding career that he hopes will propel him to the 2024 Olympics in showjumping, and he plans to be the first African American member of … Read more

Inside the rides: from a huntseater to an aspiring lawyer, Berry’s IHSA nationals team was well represented

Standout rider: Elizabeth Poczobut: Elizabeth Poczobut, Berry’s Western team captain, credits good draws as a significant part of her success during her two rides for the team at IHSA Nationals, both of which put her in the top 10 riders. GREAT DRAWS: “All my horses were great and easy to get along with,” she explained. “They … Read more

A Western tradition for a liberal arts school: Berry’s IHSA wins are becoming a regular occurrence

Berry College Equestrian Head Coach Margaret Knight said she saw that the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Western team win was a possibility for Berry early Sunday, May 3. Berry wasn’t leading, but they were ranked in the top five teams in the race for the national championship at that point. “I was confident it was in reach, … Read more

Berry College: the riders

These are the riders who represented Berry College at the 2015 Intercollegiate Horse Show Association National Championship in West Springfield, Mass. An “I” indicates that the rider represented the school as an individual. A “T” means he or she rode as a team member. Photo credit: Berry College Sports Information   Autumn Clark: Class: senior; … Read more

Full circle: SCAD head eq coach leads her alma mater to national championship

453viewsThis past show season was especially poignant for Savannah College of Art and Design Head Equestrian Coach Ashley Henry, as it marked her 10th year coaching for her alma mater. She came to the school, she said, with a specific interest in its equestrian program. Although it’s widely known for its art and design offerings … Read more

2015 SCAD IHSA Nationals riders

These are the riders who represented Savannah College of Art and Design at the 2015 Intercollegiate Horse Show Association National Championship in West Springfield, Mass. An “I” indicates that the rider represented the school as an individual. A “T” means he or she rode as a team member. (Photo credit: Savannah College of Art and … Read more

IHSA: anatomy of a national championship

419views  For the third time in its history, the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association has produced two championship teams from the same state. Here’s how all the moving pieces fit together.   FROM CE STAFF REPORTS This is a banner year for the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association; for only the third time in its 48-year history, it … Read more

Opinion: the battle for Sweet Briar is far from over

EDITOR’S NOTE:  The world learned just how determined and resourceful the Sweet Briar Vixens can be when the alumnae of the Virginia women’s college kicked off an aggressive attempt earlier this year to save their beloved alma mater from closure.  The negative reaction was widespread and swift among the alumnae when the college administration announced … Read more

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